Wanting To be Rich, Young and Famous is Making You Miserable

Have you noticed the film footage showing people from poor countries who are smiling and happy looking? Whilst many people who live in first world countries, appear to be depressed and claim to feel empty and pessimistic, a lot of the time, at least. Well, lots of research is indicating that something called Affluenza is mostly to blame.

Affluenza has been described by the writer and economist Richard Denniss, as “that strange desire we feel to spend money we don’t have to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t know”. Author and psychologist, Oliver James, describes Affluenza as a virus. You can check whether if you have Affluenza by taking various tests in James' book, which is simply called, Affluenza. You may agree with some of the following statements if you are suffering from Affluenza:

  • I would like to be a very wealthy person.
  • I would like to have my name known by many people.
  • I would like to successfully hide the signs of ageing.
  • I would like to have people comment often about how attractive I look.
  • I often compare what I own with what others own.
  • Shopping and thinking about what to buy greatly preoccupy me.
  • I'm less concerned about what work I do than what I get for it.
  • I like to keep up with fashions in hair and clothing.

TV shows like Keeping Up With The Kardashians exhibit conspicuous consumption and materialism. The Kardashian narcissism is offered up proudly. And sadly, we all see young women about town trying to make themselves into Kim Kardashian clones, even when they are blonde and blue-eyed and naturally as white as a ghost. These women gush about their thrill at buying a Kardashian brand handbag and swap ideas about how they can make their flat posterior as prominent as Kim's. These young women are stuck in a hall of mirrors, believing that true love entails getting a ring more expensive than a house and beauty involves injections and operations that turn you into the right product. Whatever happened to Oscar Wilde's words of wisdom "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

Affluenza is not only making us sick, but it is also harming the planet, as many of those clothes bursting from your wardrobe are made from petroleum, a finite resource. And all that stuff you buy from food to plastic toys is responsible for around 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions and between 50 to 80% of land, material, and water use. So whilst you may think that giving up on Affluenza means giving up on the good life, it is evident that it is Affluenza that may bring about the loss of the potential of a good life for us all.

Her Parents Were Two Different Human Species

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